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Generate Your Business Ideas

The GYB training programme is for anybody who wants to see whether she/ he can make the start of micro or small-scale business feasible.


This training is therefore for those who want to answer the core questions:


  • What is my best business idea? 

  • Do I have enough abilities for being an entrepreneur?

  • Do I really want to implement this business idea?


Start Your Business

SYB is a training programme for starting entrepreneurs who have a feasible business idea for their own small enterprise. The training helps in developing a detailed business plan and actually getting started. The training also provides an opportunity to test the required entrepreneurial skills and the business plan in a simulated and safe environment


Improve Your Business

The IYB training programme is for emerging entrepreneurs running small enterprises that want to sustain their businesses, increase sales and reduce costs. IYB training answers the following core questions: 

  • How to improve my business performance? 

  • What are the priorities for improving my sales and for reducing my costs?

  • What is my action plan for doing so?

  • What results will I get and by when?

  • How can I achieve this in collaboration with my employees?


Expand Your Business

YB training is for entrepreneurs wanting to expand their small-sized enterprises. EYB therefore first helps to answer the questions:

  • What is my growth potential? 

  • What growth orientation(s) will I pursue sustaining my profits?

  • What results can I expect?

  • What should be my actions and from where will I get the needed resources?

  • What additional services do I need and can I afford?

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